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Prime juice 
Mangosteen & Goji Berries

15 out of 42 reasons to drink
published research papers show that Goji and Mangosteen can help your body maintain the optimal health and vitality we all deserve.

1.Extend your life 
Goji is known as the "longevity fruit". Its unique molecule polysaccharides and powerful antioxidants defend against premature aging, fighting free radical damage throughout the body.

2. Energy and Strength Booster
Prime juice increase exercise tolerance, stamina and endurance. Helps to eliminate fatigue, especially when recovering from illness.

3. Look and Feel Younger
stimulates the secretion by the pituitary gland of Human Growth Hormone,
the youth hormone for a more youthful appearance.

4. Improve Your immune system
Regulates immunity by commanding and controlling many of the body's
important defense functions, enhances and balances the activity of all classes of immune cells.

5. Improve Disease Resistance
The free radical superoxide has been implicated to have an important role in the onset and progression of human disease.

6. Anti-Oxidant
Helps eliminate toxic which is present in the environment or even in food we regularly intake.

7. Maintain Healthy Cholesterol levels
Keeps cholesterol from oxidizing and forming artificial plaques. The flavonoids 
in Prime juice help to keep your arteries open and functioning smoothly.

8. Maintain Healthy Blood pressure 
A 1998 research study showed that increased blood pressure could be prevented significantly by Goji's master molecul polysaccharides and mangosteen components too.

9.Protect Your Heart 
Prime juice contains cyperone , a sesquiterpene that benefits the heart and blood pressure. It's components help maintain the strength and integrity of coronary arteries.

10. Inhibit Lipid Peroxidation
(Prevent Hardening of Arteries)
Accumulation of sticky lipid peroxides in the blood can lead to cardiovascular disease, heart attack, atherosclerosis and stroke. Prime juice increase levels of an important blood enzyme that inhibits their information.

11. Build Strong Blood
Goji and Mangosteen are renowned blood builder and rejuvenator. Goji has also been used in a number of recent clinical trials for treatment of bone marrow deficiency conditions.

12. Promote Normal Blood Sugar & Manage Diabetes
Goji has been used in China for the treatment of adult-onset diabetes for many years , and its polysaccharides have been shown to help balance blood sugar and insulin response.

13. Help with Weight Loss
Prime Juice Components help to reduce body weight by enhancing the conversion of food into energy instead of fat.

14. Prevent and Fight Cancer 
Remission of cancers in patients treated without Goji. Mangosteen can halt the genetic mutations that can lead to cancer.

15. Inhibit Tumor Growth 
Mangosteen & Goji has the ability to cause the death of tumor cells by inducing apoptosis, a process in which cancer cells are broken down and recycled.

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